Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Oh, gods of surprise and joy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

You're driving around San Francisco, seeing all of those Victorians with their brackets, "spoked" gable ornaments, crazy paint jobs, "Stick" this and "Italianate" that.  It gets just plain oppressive, if you know what I mean. 

And then peeking out is the relief....a well-placed and welcome permastone, two-flat wonder breaking up the monotony and saying exuberantly to its neighbors, "Look at me!"

280-282 Jersey Street

Those crisp details at the base of the stairs catch your eye and lead you up, up, the sky floating above the engaging facade.  I paused after taking these photographs, amazed at my luck, and thankful to the anonymous artist who created this masterwork.
 Eyes into the soul of permastone.