Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Oh, gods of surprise and joy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

You're driving around San Francisco, seeing all of those Victorians with their brackets, "spoked" gable ornaments, crazy paint jobs, "Stick" this and "Italianate" that.  It gets just plain oppressive, if you know what I mean. 

And then peeking out is the relief....a well-placed and welcome permastone, two-flat wonder breaking up the monotony and saying exuberantly to its neighbors, "Look at me!"

280-282 Jersey Street

Those crisp details at the base of the stairs catch your eye and lead you up, up, the sky floating above the engaging facade.  I paused after taking these photographs, amazed at my luck, and thankful to the anonymous artist who created this masterwork.
 Eyes into the soul of permastone.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In some instances, beauty MAY be only skin deep....

but what a beautiful skin this is!

Clement Street between 15th and 16th Avenues

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Craigslist upstaged

We love Craigslist, and, for that matter, Craig. 
Craig and his crew have operated out of a modest house in the Inner Sunset for years.  In spite of the success of, think of what they could have achieved had they occupied a fine example of San Francisco permastone.
The real treasure of this block -- albeit somewhat marred by unsightly asphalt shingles -- is just three doors down the street on 9th Avenue between Irving and Judah.

A surprising treat (and a bit hard to see since the construction of a building next door) is this delicate treatment of an open-sided porch.
Flowers and permastone....bellisimi!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Row is a row is a row

London has its terraces, Philadelphia has its rowhouses....
but neither has this row of six houses showing bold innovation while adhering to a framework of elements -- arched entryways, centered bays on the second floor, and two windows on the third floor -- that unite.

Of course, the whole is enhanced by the one house clad in permastone.

California Street between 7th and 8th Avenues

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shingle-'stone style

2400 Block 21st Avenue

Saturday, May 15, 2010

San Francisco's permastone excellence
influences design in Half Moon Bay

Wow...permastone is so versatile! We made a special trip to Lemos Farm to see this beauty.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Permastone and religious expression

Orthodox Church of the Resurrection
109 6th Avenue

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Preservation Month!

Welcome to my new blog on some remarkably -- and some might say surprisingly -- underappreciated historic resources in San Francisco. While the Painted Ladies show up on picture postcards and in the travel photos of many tourists, the new DeYoung and Academy of Sciences provide the "wow" in contemporary institutional architecture, and the Golden Gate Bridge remains one of the most visited structures in the United States, it is rare to read anything about San Francisco's permastone buildings.

This versatile building material transformed many houses and other structures from just another Victorian or Edwardian or bungalow into a statement of solidity and strength. Who could argue that these buildings represent the best of the best of San Francisco design? Who would want to see them disappear forever? Should someone prepare a nomination of a thematic historic district to protect them from imminent threat of destruction?

So, let the posting begin. I welcome your participation in this exciting project, particularly with your help in locating fine examples of the permastone craft that represent the breadth of architectural styles that turned to permastone for cladding. Preservation Month is the perfect time of year to start this project. Enjoy this tour and happy viewing!